August flying week at the Park 😎.

Greetings fellow Aviators 😎.

Our first Flying Week of August produced some truly excellent soaring opportunities πŸ™‚.

There were lots of successful Cross Country pursuits, many of which can be viewed on the BGA Ladder πŸ™‚. Daily Scores (

Congratulations to our Club Chairman Martin D, for achieving his first 500km flight. Great job Martin πŸ™‚ πŸ‘πŸ».

We welcomed back some fellow aviators visiting us from Dorset GC. Terrific to see you again gentlemen πŸ™‚.

John H made us a Curry at the end of one of the flying days, and organised a BBQ at the end of another day. Thanks John πŸ™‚Β πŸ‘πŸ».

I took some pictures from our flying week to share with you all. Hope you enjoy them.

Kind regards.


John’s delicious Curry πŸ™‚.
With all the Gliders safely tucked up in the hangar or in their trailers, and with the sun slowly setting over the horizon, this fellow aviator gently floated by our airfield πŸ™‚.