It may technically still be autumn, but today dawned as a frosty winter morning with clear skies. After weeks of rain, there was a strong turnout, with instruction fully booked and a strong turnout for the motorglider and the club fleet.
Flying started as soon as the gliders could be kept free enough of frost. The two serviceable Puchacz gliders, Astir LPM, and the motorglider did brisk business. The venerable K6 found favour with some, although still spent some time parked in the cold, while JKW and FUY were both in winter maintenance.
Unfortunately, with the depleted club fleet, a combination of the setting sun, misting canopies and the return of the frost meant some were left some disappointed. However, a good day’s flying had been had, and as the moon rose and the gliders returned to the hangar, the warm bar found brisk trade.