21st, Good launches and soaring

We certainly got the stiff easterly forecast, though it didn’t really feel cold – partly because we were dressed for it  but mainly because we were all kept active outside the caravan – no huddling allowed!   Richard H. gave us some very consistent launches; I thought 1900 feet was OK but take a look at the KTrax link on our website, where the launch heights are in metres ( and do your own maths)  🙂  

We did 14 flights in total, 2 of which were aerotows and about half were soaring.  Mark P. doing the best and I think his was the best winch launch too – a record???

We kept to the Covid19 guidelines very well but the rareity of a strong wind straight down the strip, combined with the “one person per vehicle” rule and solo flying only, gave us something to think about.  We couldn’t keep the Puchacz rudder on one side when towing out, so we stopped and got help.  Potentially the same problem after landing was solved by good short landings and someone walking out to hold the rudder.  If we get another similar day, we could put the caravan further east eg. just beyond the dew pond, then the retrieves would just be short tows forward.

Thanks to all the duty team and everyone for pulling together to make it happen in challenging times.
