The grass gets ever greener as the rain continues to fall. It might have been flyable about 16.00!
Lots of private fettling, sticking bits back on, getting radios working, a K6 asleep on its side in the workshop with Geoff stroking it lovingly. Ahhh.
The glider battery charging arrangements have been upgraded today. We now have 10 charging points with a batch of individual mains powered chargers. If batteries don’t last the full day now we’ll replace them. Please let Mike T know of any battery that fails during the day, and mark it up with the red marker pen that’s on the bench.
We had a visitor from Dorset GC late in the day, letting us know that support is needed for their airfield purchase plans and taking a look at us perhaps, just in case it all goes the wrong way for them.
Our Weds leader Christine appeared in her open top Merc. Very sporting today! She checked that we weren’t misbehaving then left….
GlideAngle came out today. There will be tests of comprehension on Saturday, so get it read!
Speaking of Saturday, we are having a trial of the latest version of the Eurofox EP120i tug on the weekend of June 15th/16th. The date may change depending on the weather so watch this space. See website home page for details.