On the “Radar” for the new bookable system!!

Is the now, established midweek flying going to become bookable the same as the weekends? With the new bookable system soon to be introduced at the weekends is the flexibility of “flying the weather midweek” going to be a thing of the past? It was not ruled out at the briefing of midweek flying this week.                                                                                                                                                   As in this months Glide Angle, mentioned by the ED, to which I also agree, the very mention of this possibility needs to be lobbied by club members who prefer the existing systems of club operations for midweek flying which generate plenty of extra volunteering and camaraderie whilst it brings about additional flying opportunities to club members and extra finances to our club.

Have your say!

Chris Chappell

One thought on “On the “Radar” for the new bookable system!!”

  1. All interesting Chris but nothing has been decided about the booking system yet. Let’s have a thorough discussion about it around the committee and club members but the blog is not really the place for it.

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