Sunday 13th September at the Park. “A generous serving of glorious sunshine today, topped off with a soupçon of both Ridge lift and Thermal lift” 😎.

Good evening fellow aviators.

Blue skies and glorious sunshine all day at the Park today, a real seasonal treat at this stage in the year, it felt more like a Sunday in July than one in September.

Todays weather at the Park wasn’t quite right for Cross Country tasks, and locally the opportunities to soar were modest. It was an almost completely blue day with very few clouds. Early in the day the upper wind was approx. 10 – 15kts at 210 degrees, easing to a balmy 5kts later in the day.

There was some Ridge lift early in the day, and later in the day as the wind eased the local south facing slopes that had been baking in todays glorious sunshine started generating thermal lift for the pilots to enjoy. The enthusiasm to fly continued all day with launching  only pausing briefly for cable retrieves.

Mike J had a productive day instructing, Julian R was kept busy flying todays guest, and Alastair M was on hand to Pilot the Tug for the days aerotows.

A very pleasant and sunshine filled day at the Park 🙂.

I took a few pictures from the day to share with you all. Hope you enjoy them.

Kind regards.


Glorious weather all day at the Park today. The only clue that today was a day in autumn and not the height of summer, was the mosaic of freshly harvested crop fields around the airfield.

Terrific enthusiasm to fly today. The Launch Point was kept busy all day, pausing only briefly for cable retrieves before commencing launching one more.

Smiles all round today, a great atmosphere and everyone working hard to keep the airfield running smoothly 🙂.

It was great to see every available club Glider out of the hangar and being flown today.

Martin D, making good use of the days clement conditions to get comfortable at the controls of his new steed “306” 🙂.