The path to be taken is clear dear aviators.

Good evening fellow aviators.

I visited the Park this afternoon to check on conditions there, and you will be delighted to know, that all is now largely clear of snow.

Most of the snow has melted away, and the early signs of spring can be seen trying to burst their way through to greet us.

The B3095 main road across the Deverill’s is clear, but still has some snow lining the road sides and verges, so must be approached at a cautionary speed.

The farm track up to Park is clear, and the main body of the airfield is also clear. The ground is of course still very wet, with a heavy mist hanging in the air whilst I was there, with some occasional light rain also, to moisten matters more.

For your viewing pleasure, some pictures from my visit below to share with you all.

Kind regards.


The path to be taken is clear dear aviators. The track to the Park now almost completely clear of snow, and very easy to drive up.

A little snow remains at the top of the track, at the Park entrance. But it’s very easy to drive over.

The farmers crop has returned to full colour, cheerily shrugging off its snowy adventure.

Indeed, the whole of the countryside around the Park appears to have bounced back vibrantly.

The main body of the airfield looks in great shape. But is of course still very wet.

Where once a mighty 3ft snowdrift once nobly stood, only a light dusting of snow remains to remind us of cooler times.

The Club Hangar, the beating heart of our aerial ambitions, completely clear of snow. Free once more from natures wintry embrace.

I don’t know about you dear reader, but I’m starting to feel Springs eager approach.