Well the weather didn`t disappoint today – another beautiful sunny day with a light south westerly wind saw 12 or so club members turn out to enjoy the autumn day. Two Puchaz and JKW were duly out on the field for the first launch of the day at 10.37
Whilst there was no thermal activity we enjoyed good winch launches, aero-tows, excellent visibility and just the most smooth weather conditions experienced for some time, with reduced sink enabling our gliders to seemingly float around in the air. (apart from the spins and stalls Mike was duly putting Graham through (future BI) and Mark P for his instructor training.
Mike J carried out instructor training and check flights, whilst other members flew the other Puchaz solo along with JKW. 16 winch launches and 4 aero-tows with just over 4 hours of flying time and last launch at 15.18.
Chris Chappell
…and I got to talk to a helicopter…. First, we got a phone call from Yeovilton on the caravan mobile, asking which frequency we use. We remembered it but, in spite of many large notices around the hangar, we couldn’t see one in the caravan! [ It is on a small printed list of frequencies.] I’ve scribbled it in big numbers where it can be spotted from the phone, in case we’re asked again.
Next we got a courtesy call on frequency, from a survey helicopter near Shaftesbury, asking if we were still winching. Luckily, we had just finished, with one more aerotow planned, so he was able to come through at about 1600′ agl.