A very cold Wednesday morning saw some 18 club members turn out to fly during the day, amongst our usual maintenance team and “fettlers” of gliders. Two of our industrious private owners transformed the club Astir trailer from a greenish hue of accumulated alga to a very respectable white (ish), so all smart and ready for the first x-country retrieve. Just goes to show there are always plenty of non-technical jobs for our junior and cadet members to get involved with!
First launch at 11.08 and final launch at 16.46. As predicted the grey, overcast sky cleared about 13.00hrs and soaring flights of up to nearly 2 hours with cloud base at around 3,000ft. With 1 Puchaz, K21, JKW, LPM and a couple of private gliders saw members enjoying soaring, having annual checks and regular instruction from Mike J and Alisatir with John Garland stepping in for the last check flight enabling our CFI to fly JKW and have some “me” time soaring away in the blue (but thermic) yonder!
28 winch launches, 2 aero-tows and 2 motor glider launches.
Chris Chappell